Sunday, July 19, 2009


This ( ) is just excruciating – does anyone tune into to this radio show on a regular basis? Why?

Quite apart from the 10% mantra being reeled off on a loop, the presenter is also an infuriating little prick. The IDR (not in Reading West anyway) and any other local abbreviations or traffic landmarks are hardly likely to be key to being the next local MP. I thought the R in IDR stood was Route, and have lived here almost a decade without being corrected, and most people seemed to think it stood for Ring. Clearly saying IDR settles the matter for most of us, as thrilling as it all is, and no-one actually gives a shit apart from a wannabe shock jock.

So yes – a terrible candidate giving a risible performance, but let’s not forget the terrible radio presenter on a typical crappy local station too. The smug little giggler cannot do his own job properly, so why criticise others?

Naz should have been allowed to fade quietly away into third or fourth place by himself, but am I alone in thinking this interview may lead some people to feel sorry for the clueless little fart weasel?

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