If you have not visited the feeblest blog at the “not thrilling” Politics section of The Telegraph website, I strongly encourage you to do so for a giggle.
The comments, as with the getreading website, are what provide most interest. Uhm, “hysterical abuse” (January 22nd comments)? Perhaps when suggesting someone has behaved like a lunatic for pointing out a tired level of distain towards Mr Salter, yes? The soon to be former MP is using the website seemingly because any criticism of his words brings about great defence by others. He cannot defend himself any more then, poor thing?
That aside, the blog needs defending by someone at the Telegraph. Otherwise, the number of comments would be noticeably fewer and the value would be more readily apparent. And I’m saying that as someone drawing no comments whatsoever. Which at least means I can relax and not run crying to others for help.